Reader Two - Reflecting

I found this reader section particularly interesting. The first thing it prompted me to do was try to identify my most prominent learning style by reflecting on the process I took to set up my blog. After thinking about it for a while I decided that I was a combination of the learning processes presented in Kolb's learning circle, which I am sure is true for most people. Although I took some time looking at other peoples blogs and even connecting with a friend who had completed the course before (reflective observation) I then just went ahead and started creating my own to see how the whole thing worked (active experimentation). The process of identifying this is valuable because I realize this is how I go about most things, I'll sit and think and research and look how other people have done it before I decide to just go for it and see what happens. I'm sure I have always known that I have done this but have I ever identified that or become aware of that about myself before?

For the rest of the section I found myself actively reflecting on previous experiences as I was identifying the different ways in which reflection can take place. I really enjoyed the extract provided about using a journal to enhance reflective practice and it sparked a lot of thoughts/questions:

How much training I have received since my first year of college that I have not necessarily documented in a concise manner. Could having a process in place over these years have helped me reflect now and learn from those previous experiences?

Instead of thinking of moments in time when I was just "glad for it to be over" - a performance not in my preferred style or a class I did not properly plan - realizing that these are actually valuable experiences and by trying to forget about them I have not learnt from them.

There is value in being able to reflect and putting a process in place to be able to do this in the future is something I can do now. A journal/blog/diary are all ways to aid our continued learning. 

I look forward to working through the rest of Module 1 and using reflection as part of my process. I also had a helping hand with my studies today, say hi to Portia everyone...


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