Skype induction session and meeting some fellow students!

Ok here we go, I have a blog and now I'm ready to get the ball rolling!

I am a little behind here so I will start at the very beginning and catch you up with what we discussed in the online induction session held on September 16th. I was on the call with Adesola, Helen and 4 other fellow students and we spoke for just over an hour.

It was a great opportunity to learn more about the BAPP course and really understand the overall structure of the 3 modules as well as break down module one a little bit more. I was also a chance to hear from the other participants of the course and learn why they are choosing to complete their BAPP. I always like to hear what others have to say and I will find it interesting to follow everyone else's blogs to see what they are learning about themselves and their professional practice as we journey through the course together. That's the best thing about the arts - no one is the same - we all learn in different ways, we pull different information from each other, and we will take this information and ultimately our degrees and apply it to our own unique practices.    

It terms of explaining the practical steps I now needed to take in order to be ready to start the course, this Skype induction was very helpful. The first hurdle was find my way onto the conversation - which I thankfully managed without any issues. The next was to gain access to UniHub (which I am still working on) but I feel confident that I will be able to do this once I receive my log in information from the university. Next up was to access the handbook, read through it, and keep it nearby to reference at all times. My love of stationary immediately emerged and hence I now have a new folder with my handbook printed, and highlighted throughout is the 'extra important' information. I also needed to create a blog - apparently by commenting on Adesola's post I have already done this but I had no idea how - anyways after a bit of research I was able to set this up and if you are reading this right now then it worked! I have even worked out how to follow other peoples' blogs so I will be adding as many as I can to my reading list to keep me updated on your progress - pease follow back!

Other than the practical steps that needed to be completed the main question was how does distance learning work? We talked about the 3 ways in which learning will take place on this course:

  1.  Learning Community. (writing, reading & commenting on blogs, group skype sessions, dropbox, reading lists etc.)
  2. Advisors. (discuss ideas, feedback, questions & arrange 1 to 1 tutorials)
  3. Handbook. (give each module overview, use as constant reference)  

To round up. The induction session was a fantastic way to get familiarized with the way the course is conducted, learn what is expected from us as students to get the most out of the process and meet some of the other people I will be taking this journey with! 


  1. I'm glad you were able to get things started! It's funny you mentioned the love for stationary, and how you started highlighting important sections. What seems like the simplest of techniques (such as highlighting a few words) can be so helpful for going back over the information at a later date. That was the idea with picking up my iPad and giving it a go, was to be able to easily do just that. Goodness, was I wrong so far. It came with quite the learning curve. My folks were having a good time laughing and pulling the ol' "We told you so".

    I see you're currently out in Ottawa, Ontario! How are you liking it so far?
    I spent 4 years living in Toronto, Ontario. I miss it out there!

    1. Ottawa is great, Canadian's are so nice! It's such a beautiful time of year right now with all the colours changing too :)


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