The Art of Journaling - Appendix C

I have to be honest I have never really dived into the subject of journaling before. I didn't think it was something I would know how to do - which sounds really silly after learning that some journalling techniques are to simply write down whatever thoughts are flowing through your head at the time. Simple right? Also who knew that there were different journaling techniques?! And so as identified using Kolb's learning circle I entered the circle with reflective observation and started researching "how to write a journal" "journalling for artists" and anything that would help me figure this out.

I came across The Artist's Way by Julia Cameron and something urged me to look further into this book. I bought the 25th anniversary edition - yes people have been following this for a quarter of a century and I am only just discovering it now - which I am putting down to the fact that you can't always know everything and there is always more to discover and learn. Anyway it turns out that this it is not just a book, it is also described as:



It is a structure for a 12 week long program of exercises and explorations that loosen up one's artistic self. I have decided for myself to start following the program and to see what kind of results I find as I make my way though it. I have read many reviews stating that there are certain elements of the course that some people have been doing for years now and refuse to stop as they add significant value to their own professional practice. This excites me as I want to have a process or system in place that is a constant for me, as so much of our work in the arts is unpredictable and not often replicated, I would love to find something I know is a beneficial journalling method for myself.

With Christmas, the New Year and our final submission deadline approaching fast I have decided that mid January will be a good time for me to start on week 1 of the program. In the meantime I have read the Introduction, Spiritual Electricity: The Basic Principles, and The Basic Tools, these alone have got me thinking some thoughts relevant to module one, here they are:
  • Feeling comfortable identifying myself as an artist - I am not a person wth a 'day job' who also teaches dance, I go to work everyday even if it is not at an office between the hours of 9-5, I need to stop feeling like I have to justify my job to other people (who maybe don't think it is a real job)
  • Learning to invest in myself - this is something I believe I do in terms of continued education and gaining additional qualifications but perhaps I am not investing in my inner artist enough. "Learn to be self nourishing. Become alert enough to consciously replenish out creative resources." (The Artist's Way)
  • Realizing I need a practical process that I commit to following on a daily basis - it's ok to say I dance everyday but my practice isn't just to dance, there are so many factors that filter into my daily practice that I'm not keeping track of and recognizing. "The same tools used over a long period can alter the trajectory of a lifetime." (The Artist's Way)


  1. I bought my friend this book for Christmas and he LOVES it! I had heard great things but hadn't actually read it myself but now I think I will!

    1. Oh really?! I am definitely looking forward to diving into it some more :)


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