Talking job titles & mapping out my practice

After reading through the Module 2 handbook I am now cycling back through it and digging deeper into each section as I re-read them.

Module 1 was all about identifying my professional practice and I think that something I struggled with (although I am just realizing this now) was being able to give myself a 'job title'. Having the ability to express accurately and concisely what you do to someone is hugely beneficial - especially when networking and meeting people for the first time. The handbook talks about IDENTIFYING YOUR KNOWLEDGE and recognizing the interdisciplinary nature of our workplace practice. As artists, our professional practice is made up of so many different areas of knowledge and expertise that being able to encompass all that you do into one title proves to be quite a challenge. Here are a few that I came up with for myself:


These all cover aspects of my practice and are fairly flexible in definition too.
QUESTION: What job title would you give to yourself? Do you feel there is a single title that covers all that you do?

As I continue to work through this module I have started to work on mapping out my practice to see what areas are beginning to show up as areas on wonder for me, this process is helping me to highlight parts of my practice I want to know more about and will ultimately guide me towards forming my inquiry topic.

I would love to hear from you about what you are doing to find your areas of wonder and what it is you wish more about within your own practice. One of my goals this module is to be more engaged with everyone through our blogs, so please comment and follow and I pledge to do the same for you :)


  1. I can deeply relate to this, and it's great to read that you've come up with some direction for your "job titles". Performing Arts Educator has an awesome ring to it, while Dance Teacher/Instructor sounds more traditional, which isn't necessarily a bad thing. Also, love the format of this blog post with the posing of a question for the reader. Very engaging and I hope more people will give feedback to these as we mentioned in the Skype meeting. As I write this, I'm in the process of trying to decide on some decent titles myself. My practice covers a multitude of media and formats, so I've danced around quite a few ways of going about it. Some being broad, such as "Multimedia Content Producer", others being more specific such as "Recording Engineer". However, if I were to list all the specifics I do to someone in an elevator pitch, I might lose them, so I'm leaning more towards the broad form. We'll see! Shortly after this week's Skype I was able to narrow down my inquiry question which I believe will also help in choosing a title as well, so very excited for that!
    Keep up the great blogs, yours is always a favorite to come back to.


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