Reader One - Thoughts on Web 2.0

I have been making my way through this first reader section and I had no idea how much I did not know about the world wide web! After going through the reader material I am pleased to say that I do have a much better understanding of the term web 2.0 although I am a long way off from being an expert. The first thing I learnt was the difference between web 1.0 and 2.0, I found this phrase that I felt explained it best:

"In essence the change was from a Web 1.0 which was predicated on the provision of data or services via a server to a client, to a Web 2.0 which provided a platform for users to participate on an equal footing." Paul Jackson

When we think about how we use web 2.0 today it really does shape our whole world. The most striking thing to me is how we communicate with each, this is now so often only done through web based platforms, and are we even communicating in the traditional sense any more? Or are we just tagging our friends in pictures and memes, sending single word responses and emojis, and calling this communication, keeping in touch, and holding a conversation? Let me know you thoughts and feelings on this.

Don't get me wrong, although I have worries that we are all turning into online robots, I also believe that online communication is great and definitely assists us everyday. I am able to speak with other dance teachers across the world and even watch what they are teaching in class - because it's so easy to share our photos and videos with everyone now. The most recent way I have seen technology be used in the teaching industry is from a company called CLI Studios, here is their description of what they do:

"CLI Studios provides, dancers, teachers, and studio owners with online classes from world-renowned choreographers every week through a new digital dance program."

How cool is that?? Can you imagine if back in the day you were able to take a class with Fosse or Graham just by having access to the web? Something that we now cannot imagine our lives without. How much would the dance industry have changed if modern technologies were available during those times? I'll leave you with that thought, I have to go now, my mind is about to explode.


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